It’s a can do future. Can:Do 4Kids are SA’s leaders in vision, hearing and developmental services for children. Can:Do Hearing is a social enterprise, supporting Can:Do 4Kids.
Can:Do 4Kids (opens an external website in a new window)Refer a friend to Can:Do (Hearing) and they will receive a complimentary hearing assessment (value $150). Our thanks to you is a $50 Gift as your choice of a Can:Do 4Kids donation or Drakes Supermarket voucher.
Your name:
Friend to book:
Terms & Conditions (below)
Book online or call 08 8100 8209
Terms and Conditions
It’s a can do future. Can:Do 4Kids are SA’s leaders in vision, hearing and developmental services for children. Can:Do Hearing is a social enterprise, supporting Can:Do 4Kids.
Can:Do 4Kids (opens an external website in a new window)Learn more about how you too can support children, young people and their families to live life focused on what they CAN do. Like Drakes Supermarket!
Drakes Supermarket (opens an external website in a new window)