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What to Expect

Your Can:Do Hearing audiologist will ask some general questions such as:

  • What encouraged you to have a hearing assessment?
  • What hearing difficulties you may have
  • Where you experience them and how this affects you and others around you?

They’ll ask about your hearing and ear health history, and if you’ve had any other hearing, balance or other hearing-related symptoms.

Each Can:Do Hearing health assessment is tailored to your needs and, unlike most providers Can:Do Hearing offer a full audiological assessment, which may include:

  • Visual ear examination (otoscopy)
  • Middle ear function testing (impedance testing)
  • Outer hair cell function testing (otoacoustic emission testing)
  • Pure tone audiometry (air and bone conduction)
  • Speech audiometry (in quiet and in noise)

We’re here to help

If you have a question, want some more information or would just like to speak to someone for support click on the links below and we will be able to help you.

Contact us for support Call us on 08 8100 8209

After your assessment your Can:Do Hearing audiologist will spend time discussing your results and how they relate to your concerns. They’ll offer recommendations based on the outcomes you wish to achieve and, most importantly, with this information and guidance, you decide on the right management plan to best achieve your goals.

Specialty Assessments

Can:Do Hearing audiologists have specialist accreditation to perform hearing assessments and reports for:

  • Hearing Services Program (HSP)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
  • Workplace Compensation (RTWSA)
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
  • Heavy Vehicle Licences